BY-GEN Hard Surface Frame Style

The hard surface frame mode will add a subsurface modifier, then solidify and bevel the result. This is perfect for making all kinds of curved panels, surfaces and frames.

Tips and Tricks

Examples are applied to a basic plane with extruded edges.



When applying the style from the Modify panel, if 'Allow Mirror' is ticked, it will check to see if there is an object in the scene called "World Origin" or "WorldOrigin". If it exists, then this will be made the mirror target of the object. If it does not exist, no object target will be given to the mirror modifier, so it will just mirror around its own origin.

Mirror Merging

  • If the mirror modifier has been added when applying the style, geometry can merge at the mirror point, simplifying the process of creating symmetrical objects.


BY-GEN Hard Surface Faceting Style


BY-GEN Destructor Style