BY-GEN Destructor Style

The destructor will break apart the surface of the mesh to create islands of randomized shapes. The more geometry on the base object, the more interesting the results will be.

Tips and Tricks

Examples are applied to a cube, subdivided by 3 levels.

Equal Island Distribution

  • When applying the style, large segments of the mesh may be hidden. Go to the Build modifier and enable ‘Randomize’. This will make the distribution of islands consistent around the mesh.

Funky Displacement

  • Play with the strength of the displacement modifier to get some interesting ‘shattering’ effects.

  • Change the type of generated noise texture to get different displacement effects.

  • Musgrave is being used in the first example image, notice how when increasing the displacement, the outer form of the spherical shape can still be seen (because Musgrave at smaller scales leaves some areas unaffected).

  • Likewise, negative displacement is being used in the second example image. See how the original outer shape dissolves and the mesh collapses inwards, leaving some points unaffected.

Smoothing Islands

  • By increasing the ‘repeat’ value in the Smooth modifier, you can smooth the shape of the islands.

Smoothing Distortion

  • By disabling individual axes (X,Y,Z) in the Smooth modifier, you can stretch the islands in one direction, creating an interesting distortion effect.


  • By increasing or decreasing the thickness value of the Solidify modifier, you can adjust the thickness of the islands (how far out or in they extrude from the original surface of the mesh).

Holographic Destruction

  • By disabling the ‘Fill Rim’ value in the Solidify modifier, you can create a holographic effect where the surfaces of the islands are repeated. This is good for various kinds of visual effects.


BY-GEN Hard Surface Frame Style


BY-GEN Directory of Modifier Styles