BY-GEN Hard Surface Faceting Style

Hard Surface Faceting will turn the surface of the mesh into decimated planar facets with grooves separating the individual islands.

Tips and Tricks

Examples are applied to a cube, subdivided by 3 levels.

Increased Subdivisions

  • Increasing the number of subdivision levels before the modifiers that construct the faceting effect will increase the number of islands and pronounce the topological changes caused by the Displacement modifier.

Displacement for Grooves

  • By changing the strength value of the Displace modifier, you can adjust how far the faceted islands will extrude from the original surface of the mesh.

  • Changing the type of generated texture the Displace modifier is using will alter the patterns of the valleys in the topology.

  • The examples images are making use of the Musgrave texture type.

Split Angle

  • By reducing the Split Angle value in the Edge Split modifier, you can increase the number of edges that become grooves.

  • Increasing the Split Angle will likewise reduce the number of edges that become grooves.

Faceted Island Thickness

  • By adjusting the thickness value of the Solidify modifier, you can alter how far the faceted islands will extrude from the original surface of the mesh.

Bevel Offsetting

  • By disabling ‘Clamp Overlap’ in the Bevel modifier and adjusting the offset, you can increase the curvature around the edge of each faceted island.

  • Note: Disabling Clamp Overlap will create areas where vertices at edges are pushed beyond their manifold limits.


BY-GEN Hard Surface Skin Style


BY-GEN Hard Surface Frame Style