BY-GEN FX-Point Cloud Style

FX - Point Cloud is an effect that shrinks the faces of a mesh into points. There is a checkbox option while applying to automatically add an emissive material to the object when creating the style. This effect is perfect for creating point-based holographic effects of meshes.

Because this style shrinks pre-existing faces, the geometry of the original mesh is a significant factor in getting a pleasing distribution.

Tips and Tricks

Examples are applied to a cube, subdivided by 3 levels.

Increasing Subdivisions

  • Naturally, because this mode relies on dense geometry to get a good number of points, increasing the levels of a subdivision surface modifier will increase the number of points.

Displacing Points

  • By increasing and decreasing the strength of the first Displace modifier, you can disrupt the overall shape of the holographic effect.

  • This will respond to the type of generated noise texture that is provided to the Displace modifier.

Secondary Displacement

  • There is a second Displace modifier at the bottom of the stack that can be used to disrupt the points after the main shape has been created.

  • This Increasing or decreasing the strength value of the second Displace modifier will stretch some points and create a cool effect.


BY-GEN FX-Pixelate Style


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