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EasyBPY can be obtained from: Gumroad / GitHub / Blender Market


Place the easybpy.py module in the ‘modules’ folder of your Blender user preferences. On windows, this will be located in:

  • C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\modules

If any of the folders do not exist, create them! Blender will look for them when you start the program. Please watch the introduction video to see how this works.

from easybpy import * <- Use this line in the text editor or Python console to import the module.

If using EasyBPY in a separate addon, remember to package it inside your addon folder and point to it directly when importing the functions, to prevent conflicts with the user’s installed module:

from . easybpy import * <- Use this line if you are importing inside of a packaged addon (adjust depending on your folder structure).

Where to Start?

The best place to start with EasyBPY is the landing page, where you can get a quick breakdown of the different features.
Please also consider reading this blog post to get a feel for the design philosophy of the project.

Following this, feel free to take a look at my Usage Examples post to get a feel for how the module can help you.

What Functions Are Available?

No one wants to write documentation for each function and we have a lot of them, including convenience functions which route back to pre-existing functions. In the EasyBPY package, there is an info.txt file containing a list of all available functions. The landing page will also give you a demonstration of the major categories of functions, and if you want more detail for argument contexts then just open the file.
The easybpy.py file is categorized with regions so all functions are kept in a neat order, open them up and take a look. If you’re concerned about argument contexts, you already know enough to read the code.

Tip: If using Visual Studio Code to open the file, press CTRL+K+0 to collapse all regions, this will help you to navigate the categories of the file faster.


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