Discord Community Guidelines

1: Show Respect to Other People and the Server.

  1. Frustrations Relating to Official Content
    On this server, we exercise giving ‘the benefit of the doubt’.
    Sometimes people can’t get content to work. There’s nothing wrong with that.
    If you need assistance, ask politely in the dedicated help channel.
    Disrespectful false claims born from frustration are not tolerated.

    Here are some examples of false-claims from the past:
    “These resources are not free, it asks for a credit card.”
    “There is nothing in these files, I been scammed.”
    “This is a virus.”

    Before writing statements like these, consider the possibility that you have missed vital information. If the majority of the community has managed to access, install and utilise content without issue, then it is overwhelmingly likely that you have missed something important.
    You should give developers ‘the benefit of the doubt’.
    Content developers may have the information you require – ask respectfully and it will be provided.

    1. Sarcasm
      Keep in mind that it is difficult to interpret the tone of a text-based message.
      In our community, we have members from all corners of the world. Many of these members do not use English as a primary language.
      Sarcasm will likely not be interpreted as you expect, so express caution when using it.

  2. Making Other Members Uncomfortable
    If you are found to be irritating, annoying, or make people generally uncomfortable and not want to interact in the channels, then you will be removed. This includes not randomly pestering people with DMs, especially not asking for free work.

  3. Do Not Test Limits
    Intentionally testing the limits of the rules to see if moderators will remove your content will get you removed. Trying to subvert bans is also against the Discord Community Guidelines.

  4. Unsolicited DMs

    Do not randomly pester other members of the server with unwarranted DMs, especially if you are asking for free work.

2: Try to Keep it On-Topic

  1. Maintaining Creativity
    This server is focused on creativity. It is fine for the conversation to drift into other subjects, especially in general channels, however entering into deep debates in unrelated subjects should be discouraged. There are subjects that other server members will find extremely uncomfortable.
    If they came for creativity, then give them creativity.

3: No Spamming

  1. Preventing Short-Breath Messages
    Short-breath messages refers to this type of conversation:

    ‘wow this worked and’
    ‘it’s amazing’
    ‘this is giving me so many ideas’
    ‘i’ve got to make something with this’

    Don’t do this.
    Consider quality over quantity with your messages.
    Imagine that hundreds of people will read every individual message you send.
    Consider what your message can add of value to the conversation.
    Try turning 20 tiny messages into one well-crafted paragraph.
    Short-breath behaviour is more common with younger and excitable community members, and though we should always strive to encourage excitement with creativity, some degree of restraint should be exercised in public forums.

4: No Advertising Your Own Products or Services Without First Asking Permission From a Moderator

  1. Preventing Exploitation of the Audience
    You are free to share your creative work – ‘the benefit of the doubt’ will be given to you that you are genuinely looking for encouragement and/or feedback.
    However, when products that have commercial goals come into the picture, this benefit of doubt will no longer be applied to you. A judgement will be made on whether this sharing was ‘organic’ in motive.
    It may become unclear whether you are seeking to exploit the community as a tool to push your own interests, raise your profile and consequently raise your profits.
    You must ask permission before sharing commercial content that is associated with yourself or a friend.

    The same goes for monetised channels. If you are found to consistently and non-organically share content connected to your own stream of monetisation (or that of a friend’s) then your motives will be questioned and you may face an immediate ban.

    Typically, the sharing of an audience’s viewership with another commercial entity is a business partnership. Attempting to create an ‘underground’ partnership by intentionally pushing your commercial streams (or that of a friend’s) in front of the community without permission will not be tolerated.

    1. Preventing Legal Issues
      If a commercial product that is acting against the law is shared with the community, then there will be repercussions.

  2. Do not send server invites or job offers / requests to other members of the server via direct message if they have not requested it.

5: Constructive Criticism is Allowed, but Hostility Towards Another’s Work is Not

  1. Phrasing is Key
    People often have trouble with presenting their ideas in positive and encouraging ways.
    It’s a vital social skill, and you can take the opportunity to practice it with our community.

    Instead of:
    ‘it’s boring.’
    ‘I would be interested in seeing how far you can push this.’

    Instead of:
    ‘I don’t like this kind of thing.’
    ‘This doesn’t quite align with my interests, but I definitely respect the effort that went into this.’

6: Don’t Beg to be Featured in Official Content

  1. The more you beg, the less likely it will be to happen.

7: Do not Excessively Ping Curtis or Server Moderators

  1. If there is an important matter that needs to be addressed, then send a private message with all of the relevant information.

8: Keep Political Views, or Views on Belief Systems and Nationalities, to Yourself

  1. This is a multi-cultural server. Attacking the views of others will result in an immediate ban.
    Do not pressure people into sharing their world views with you.

9: Do Not Share or Ask for Help with Personal Issues

  1. You may be unknowingly putting yourself, friends and family at risk.
    Remember, this is a public forum, there’s no guarantee that someone isn’t keeping track of everything you say. The more personal information you put out there, the more at-risk you will be.

10: Do Not Use Profanity or Post Content that is Not-Safe-For-Work

  1. Come on people, let’s keep it family-friendly.

11: Do Not Flirt or Make Inappropriate Suggestive Comments Towards Other Members of the Server

  1. This is a safe place for people of all ages. Breaking this rule will results in an immediate ban.
    Even if not directed at another server member, discussing or joking about explicit activities is not allowed.
    There is no excuse. ‘I was just joking’ will not protect you from a ban.

12: Engaging in (or Encouraging the Participation of) Illegal Activities Will Result in an Immediate Ban

  1. If necessary, the appropriate authorities will be notified.

13: Do Not Ask for Free Copies of Official Content

  1. A lot of content has been made free, but occasionally there will be some paid items. There is a good reason for them to have a price tag. Sometimes the decision to make something paid is a tough one to make.
    Be respectful of the developer’s time investments.

14: Do not try to dictate what other people should make, or try to shame them for being interested in making something.

  1. Your personal beliefs may make you less interested in a certain type of content, but you should never try to push your views on others.

15: No Hidden or Obscured Content

  1. Do not post QR codes or links that have purposefully hidden previews.

    1. If you want to share a video file, do so via link rather than a direct download.

16: Do Not Talk About Financial Data

  1. Do not share your earnings, or the earnings of people you know.

17: Do Not Impersonate other Users / People or Bots (with either username or profile picture)

18: Do Not Boast About Achievements for Validation Unless Asked

  1. Practice modesty, no one wants an unprompted monologue of your excellence.

19: Only use the English Language in Public Channels

20: Do not Make Public Announcements Without Asking a Moderator

  1. Do not paste walls of text relating to news, legal issues, security exploits etc. without consulting a moderator or admin. These copy-pastes will be removed. If it is something important, the admin/moderator group likely already know about it.

21: No Memes

  1. (Some memes related to Blender or the YouTube channel are acceptable).

22: No Offensive Profile Pictures or Usernames.

23: No Content Relating to Sensitive World Events


Sharing Job Offers

If you want to share a job offer, you must first ask for permission from a moderator or administrator.
Non-paid offers are not accepted.
‘Potential revenue shares’ and ‘exposure’ do not count as viable methods of payment.
You will be asked to provide evidence of previously-released work.
These measures are to prevent the exploitation of our community members.
Advertising offers by personally messaging members of the community without their permission will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the server.

Advice for Younger Community Members

If someone asks for personal information about you (where you live, contact details etc.) inform a moderator or administrator about it immediately.


[Addon] Outline Helper for Blender 2.8


Installing Python Addons